NIU M+. 2 Seats + 2 Helmets
10317 Berlin

NIU M+. 2 Seats + 2 Helmets


- Electric scooter NIU M+ - 80+ km range with one single charge - 2 passangers - 2 Helmets - 50km/h speed With warm weather coming our way I believe its no better way to move around the city that with an electric scooter: - Escape the traffic - No more gas Bills - Cheap to ride - Get to your destination faster - Park right in front of your final destination - No more Park tickets - Environment friendly - Take a friend with you - Breathe fresh air all the time - It's just fun

Info: This item is not insured by fainin’s Ergo insurance - you need your own insurance, so please make sure you have it.

Ausweich Vermieter thumbnail

Edgar V.

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